森田 - 傷風鎮咳化痰露 120毫升
$98.00 HKD
$128.00 HKD
森田 - 傷風鎮咳化痰露 120毫升
DISCLAIMER: This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
免責聲明:此產品沒有根據《藥劑業及毒藥條例》或《中醫藥條例》註冊。為此產品作出的任何聲稱 亦沒有為進行該等註冊而接受評核。此產品並不供作診斷、治療或預防任何疾病之用。